Barbecue Pots
Raku clay fired in a charcoal barbecue with various materials
In the spring of 2020, my practicum at the Banff Centre was cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic. I packed a backpack, left my belongings with friends in Banff, and caught a flight to Ottawa to crash in a friends' apartment for the two weeks until it all blew over. Very soon, we all realized the pandemic was not going to end any time soon. I grieved for a long time over the opportunity I lost in Banff. Without a studio, a wheel, a kiln, or my tools, I felt utterly adrift. I was mournful to not have access to the craft that had been my life for the past five years.
With the encouragement from friends, I began building myself back up. I sourced some raku clay for hand building and researched alternative firing techniques. I read fantastic article from Ceramics Monthly about using a charcoal barbecue to mimic a pit firing. Working from Sumi von Dassow's method, I did a number of fascinating tests - from learning how to make a terra sig with raku clay and baking soda, to building saggars out of tin cans, aluminum foil, banana peels and coffee grounds. It was an incredible experience, like learning how to work with clay all over again, but this time in the context of my kitchen pantry and recycling bin.
At this time, works are created in very small batches. Please contact me if you are interested in having something made.